Chloe Yeoh Zi Lin (21A01)

Never forget your roots – Love, Pride & Identity: Retaining one’s roots through a passion for the Chinese Language & Culture
“I was initially unaware of the existence of the Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP) when I first enrolled in Jurong Pioneer Junior College (JPJC), until my friend told me about it.” Chloe Yeoh Zi Lin recalled. When she first joined the college, it was only with the intent of taking up Chinese Language and Literature (CLL). Passionate about learning more about the Chinese Language and culture, she decided to join the CLEP family after giving it much thought, and at the encouragement of her friends. While it is a norm for most students who opt to be a part of JPJC’s CLEP programme to have offered Higher Chinese Language (HCL) at the GCE O Level examination, Chloe “never saw her lack of HCL background in secondary school to be a barrier for joining CLEP”, she reflected. “I strongly feel that it is important for everyone to retain our roots and preserve our respective cultures by learning our mother tongues. Only then can we safely say that we are truly bilingual, not only based on our language abilities, but also on the deep understanding of our culture. The rich, broad-based range of experiences that JPJC’s CLEP programme offers fit Chloe’s bill, and would later allow her to learn more about the language with eye-opening activities and events that made her JC journey a memorable one.
However, Chloe candidly acknowledged that the path she had chosen “was not without challenges”. “Even though I was confident about my Chinese Language ability, I was feeling a bit fearful at the beginning, since my friends had said that the subject was tough”. Looking back, she remembers the steep learning curve she faced initially. “I had to put extra effort into understanding the meaning behind each and every story, since I was not exposed to Chinese Literature back in my secondary school days”. Yet, despite the challenges that she faced, Chloe persevered, under the close guidance of her teachers, and the encouragement of her peers. “There were small things that my peers and teachers did, that made the stressful journey towards the GCE A Level examination that much more bearable – many think that these are minor details and actions, but in the course of two years, to us students, it really makes a difference.” She shared that her teachers and friends in CLEP thought about how to allow the cohort to do their revision in a more effective manner, and collectively they came up with a Google document to collate all types of exam questions for reference and review. “So, yes, it was hard but I really enjoyed myself throughout these 2 years, and I cherish the memories and the people I met in JPJC”, Chloe mused.
Even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Chloe’s active involvement in the CLEP programme provided her myriad opportunities to participate in enrichment activities organised by both the Ministry of Education (MOE) and JPJC. Keen to deepen her cultural understanding of Chinese Language, Chloe assumed the role of Student Representative in the Lecture Series Panel Discussion, as well as leader for her group’s presentation in the Lecture Series organised by the MOE in 2022. “The presentation was about films and literature on environment, so we had to identify some of the literary devices that were used in two particular films to express certain themes after watching them. The process of looking for information was not easy as not everything was available online. Thanks to our teachers, we managed to gather insights and phrased them in simpler expressions.” These were challenges and tasks new to Chloe, but her unwavering conviction and passion saw her through. She laughs, “I must say, since this was my first time presenting in Mandarin, I was really, really stressed out. But despite all the hiccups and the ‘scaries’, it went smoothly and the takeaways were invaluable for me.” She was amazed by how the language can be depicted and used in multiple ways. When asked about the highlight of her CLEP enrichment activities, she recalls, “We had a chance to watch a play entitled ‘The Silly Little Girl and the Funny Old Tree (《傻姑娘与怪老树》)’. It was one of the theatre plays in our syllabus. What I found fascinating was the play was not just the acting and the plot. During the play, there were interactive segments between audiences and the actors. After the play, there was even a Q&A segment to engage the audience regarding the intention behind the play. It was such an immersive experience, and I got to learn things that will never be taught in textbooks”. Being immersed in such an environment, Chloe grew steadily, and with her relentless effort and passion, she emerged as the recipient of the MOE CLEP Best Improvement Award in 2022.
Yet, Chloe’s growth arc was not simply dominated by her CLEP journey. The college provided a plethora of avenues and chances for her to grow holistically, even in the aspect of Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) and her participation in the vibrant college life JPJC had to offer. In 2022, she was even chosen to represent the college in the National School Games (NSG) in 2022. “As someone who used to be in a performing arts CCA, I was quite stressed when I first joined Touch Rugby. It was a totally new experience for me. But I would not have participated in this new sport if I hadn’t encountered it here, because this sport is not particularly available in all JCs. It turned out to be a blessing that I had a group of supportive teammates, and my teachers and coaches in the CCA had heart – they really weren’t just there to do their weekly duties, they made the effort to know us, grow us, bond with us.” As an individual with a big heart for the community, she contributed to the community actively by leading an example to her peers and juniors. With the suggestions given by her Civic Tutors, Chloe and her fellow CCE leaders made a video on how to make fruit enzymes, aiming to promote healthy living by publicising the benefits of fruit enzymes in the college. Additionally, the college’s Talent Development Programme also provided a platform for Chloe to demonstrate her compassionate nature in facilitating the Leadership Training Camp in collaboration with Keat Hong Youth Network. When asked why she was passionate about giving back to the community, “Honestly, JC life was stressful enough. Believe it or not, the irony was making myself ‘busier’ through Values in Action (VIA) and leadership opportunities provided by our college actually helped me stay sane while being able to assist other people in life”, she laughed as she reflected on that paradox. “There was one VIA that impacted me the most. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, my CCA mates and I conducted Zoom sessions with the elderly at a care centre. Even though they were just virtual sessions, I felt genuinely sad when I found out the various reasons why they were at the centre. I could not imagine my family going through all these struggles theirs had, I just could not. The realization was actually what inspired me to extend my help to them in my personal time.”
Stepping out beyond the world she had known was not just a thread in her leadership, CCA and VIA experiences. Chloe acknowledged that by seizing every opportunity in the CLEP programme as well, she had transformed from a quiet student to a confident individual who is now more willing to share her views. “I do not really like to interact with people too much as I am slightly introverted”, she admitted, “but through CLEP and other activities, I was able to meet different people and communicate with them so as to ensure all the events and projects were smoothly carried out. Those experiences really made me realize that if I wanted to accomplish something, I have to step out of my comfort zone.” Chloe is indeed an exemplary student who is clear of her priorities. Her Civics Tutor, Mdm Lim Sok Koon, shared, “She knows clearly what she wants at different stages of life. It was evident when she went the extra mile to achieve her aspiration by adapting to different environments with a high level of flexibility.”
When asked how she was able to come thus far, Chloe did not hesitate to express her gratitude towards various individuals, including teachers and friends in the college, as well as her mother. “The teachers have helped me in various ways. I used to procrastinate a lot and when I found that I could not keep up with my studies, they did not hesitate to offer help by giving me consultations and providing me with frank but constructive advice. Also, I would not have survived without my friends, especially my best friend. She was my pillar of strength in school. Mathematics was one of my weakest subjects and she would always be there to help me to improve. Emotionally, she would always lend a listening ear and bring me snacks to cheer me up. And my mom! My dad was away for business when I was in secondary school, so my mom was my main source of motivation. There was one quote that she shared which I found it extremely impactful till now, ‘Change happens in an instant. It happens the moment when you decide to change.’ Thanks to this quote, I realized that I should change, and thanks to my mom and I have become a better version of myself.”
When asked to share some nuggets of wisdom with her juniors, she said without hesitation, “Do not procrastinate! JC life is definitely stressful so at each juncture, remember to pace your learning so as not to get overwhelmed. Also, I would advise against taking up part-time jobs during the school holidays, based on my personal experience. I worked during the holidays at the end of J1 and I really had very limited time to revise. In the end, I did pretty badly as expected. After graduating, you will have all your time to work so just be patient and focused, and try to spend as prudently as possible in the meanwhile!”
So, what is up next on the cards for this confident young woman? In the midst of further exploration of her passion and interest, Chloe is considering widening her learning horizons by majoring in either psychology or business marketing. “It might sound irrelevant to my learning experiences but quite the opposite. While being mindful of the fact that the world is getting smaller, I could leverage my unique experiences in CLEP for connecting with different clients with different profiles, especially China’s growing influence on global market is enormous now.” With her growth mindset, the world is indeed Chloe’s oyster.