Thirumoorthi Prakash Kumar (21S22)

“I Can Be This, And Much More” – Nurturing Every Side of Me in JPJC
Persistence and passion are no stranger to Thirumoorthi Prakash Kumar, who has come a long way for his junior college journey. While Jurong Pioneer Junior College (JPJC) was not the JC he originally was posted to, as fate would have it, the door opened for Prakash as he wanted to offer H2 Computing as a subject at the GCE A Level examination. The rest, as they always say, is history.
Having had some prior knowledge of computing, and having already won some minor competitions when he was younger, Prakash had always been clear of what he wanted for his future career. As a young 16-year-old, however, he was not aware that computing was a subject he could offer at the JC level. “I was actually originally in another JC, and I really think this was fate”, he smiles and admits. “I then found out, by some stroke of divine luck, that I could take H2 Computing – just not in that JC”, and it was then, at lightning speed, that Prakash did what he could to ensure he could secure the course of his choice, in the college of his choice. Eventually, the JPJC family welcomed Prakash as one of its own, where he ultimately offered a H2 Physics, Mathematics and Computing subject combination.
“Computing was and is my love, hands down”, Prakash muses. “But back then, it seemed more like a hobby, and the prospect of doing what I love for life was a little hazy still, to be honest, you know – you’re still young and the specifics are still a big question mark to you”, he laughs. The turning point for Prakash came in the form of his JC journey. As he embarked on offering H2 Computing as an examinable subject in JPJC, the rich, multi-faceted curriculum experience that the Computing Department offered provided Prakash with countless opportunities – from competitions such as BrainHack 2022 by DSTA, in which Prakash and his team mates clinched 1st Runner-up position, to an internship at the Singapore Science Centre. “All these slowly but surely helped me to crystallise my vision and my dream – I saw my future slowly coming together in front of my eyes, hey, I can actually pursue a career in computing, just as I had dreamed of doing!” Prakash shared.
In particular, the broad-based programme that JPJC’s Computing curriculum provides honed Prakash’s interest and talent in physics-based computing. The rich range of experiences beyond the classroom, and the solid foundation he received during academic lessons formed the basis of developing a more open-minded, reflective and confident young computer scientist in Prakash. “I think as you hang out with, exchange ideas with fellow budding computer scientists, and as you get to go out there and represent the school, you really see how much bigger the world is – it is more than yourself, both its problems, its opportunities, and the talents out there – you are both humbled and inspired at the same time”. Prakash fondly recalls picking up a wide variety of skills on his JC journey, in particular, both front-end and back-end skills during his participation in the NUS Life Hack Hackathon, where he and his team competed against university students and even garnered an honourable mention for the college. “If I had not chosen to appeal to JPJC, I really don’t think my computing skills would have grown by leaps and bounds this way.”
Apart from the appeal and excitement of his dynamic computing journey in the college, Prakash also believes he “hit the jackpot” because of the group of friends he met and made in JPJC. “My core group of friends whom I hung out with in JC were super motivated, super helpful. I believe the environment and mindset here are right – we focus mostly on finding a way to solve whatever challenges we faced, be it computing, or life’s obstacles.” To illustrate the point, Prakash recalls his experience of completing GCE A Level Project Work (PW) with his group. If not for the common vision and goal he and his group mates had, Prakash strongly believes they would not all have committed to putting in “200% effort, staying up late nights and chipping in to cover for one another” to complete their Written Report. “We often hear of horror stories where PW is a nightmare, and classes get torn apart because of relationship dynamics – I think I was very blessed, with both teachers and classmates who were on the same page, throughout my JC years.” Prakash also adds, “it may not seem like much, but the small things matter – the friendly yet encouraging culture – my peers were never competitive in a bad way and we exchanged pointers on our studies rather than competed, the willingness to go the extra mile to help each other, plus my tutors’ willingness to help every student – these are things you might miss out on, especially in today’s very competitive and fast-paced education landscape.”
In reminiscing about his JC life, Prakash also recalls fondly his time on the college’s Athletics Team. As Quartermaster of the team, his meticulous, systematic nature shone through in his role, and while society may typically believe computing whizzes to be less athletic, Prakash breaks the mould, and the stereotype could not have been more wrong with him. “I think we are a misunderstood bunch”, he laughs. And Prakash has this heartfelt piece of advice for his juniors: “Regardless of your personality, your passion, your calling, school, grades, etc., I believe you can be anyone you want to be, and I am a living example. Who is to say I can’t love to run, love computing, and be a happy-go-lucky young adult altogether?” Prakash goes further to share how being part of a Sports CCA in JPJC has allowed him to further develop a different side of him, and make even more friends. The time he spent with his team mates at the college track and grandstand also formed a memorable part of his life in JPJC.
Even as the conversation turned to his fond memories of time spent on the track, a warm, safe physical environment also ranks high on Prakash’s list of things he likes about the college. “The campus may not be sprawling and spanking new, but I think it’s safe to say there is a huge number of conducive spots to study, and also to unwind with your friends. The Library, the Concourse and Patio – the nice thing about these spots in college are that they blend both the social and academic life of a student. You chill there, you rest, and yet you also thrash out some of the most difficult problems, concepts and chapters right there!” Prakash reminisces fondly. He appreciates the beauty of the well-occupied college campus, with its own pockets of beauty and expanse of green (“the Grandstand and field, really quite nice to chill after Athletics training too”, he quips), and how it made him feel right at home, and at ease. The JPJC campus was truly his home, indeed.
Prakash is currently undergoing an internship at Invigilo Technologies Pte Ltd – a local startup that utilises behaviour-based AI technologies to provide workplace safety solutions for major firms such as DHL, JTC and HDB. In this capacity, Prakash is afforded yet more opportunities to stretch his potential – creating solutions to real-life problems, in real-time for major clients. Some of his work to date ranges from creating Telegram chatbots for companies to automate the sending of safety messages, to back-to-basics work involving the conceptualisation and product of instructional videos for clients. Prakash’s favourite part of his internship? “The opportunity to visit many major firms that form the foundation of Singapore’s economy and industry – like DHL and K&S Manufacturing, and understanding how profound an impact my passion – and now calling – has on our country.” From being a mere hobby and love, Prakash’s passion for computing has now become a real-life opportunity to understand the needs of a company, fill in missing gaps and help to enhance their value.
In that light, Prakash intends to pursue a course related to Science or Computing in university, and is excited for the road ahead of him. Having concluded one enriching chapter of his life, Prakash is now awaiting for to enlist in the army, and for a new chapter to unfold. When asked if he has any further words of advice for his juniors in JPJC, he does not hesitate to share these pearls of wisdom: I’d like to just plug my favourite subject here”, he laughs, “Come with an open mind, and if you have even the slightest bit of interest, just give Computing a try, it isn’t as complex as you think, and it is truly interesting.” As for general advice, Prakash hopes that his juniors will take up a CCA that they enjoy, that can show a different side of themselves, “because that is how you grow, and have ‘colour’, or dimensions to you as a person. In addition, when you have a CCA, you keep yourself busy, and removes that sluggish, unmotivated feeling many JC students have from just being bogged down by academics – this is what makes you feel a lot more satisfaction with your JC life, at the end of the day.”
In a jestful conclusion to our interview, he quips, “Oh! And my final gold tip for my juniors – even if you’re feeling brain-fog or fatigue in the late afternoons or evenings, NEVER take long naps, keep going, just have a hot non-caffeinated drink, and you’re good as gold – trust me on this, metaphorically, as long as you keep going, even the smallest of steps can take you beyond your wildest dreams!”