AOGS EOS Geoscience Challenge
College Yearbooks
Social Media
2025 Events
2024 Events
2024 Events Overview
National Day Celebrations
7th CCA Leaders Installation
House Bonding Day 2
Racial Harmony Day Carnival
Work Shadowing Programme
JPJC Annual Road Run
Dialogue Sessions with Distinguished Speaker JC2
Dialogue Sessions with Distinguished Speaker JC1
Green Bazaar
JPJC Cyberwellness Week
Staff Wellness Activity 3
New Taipei Municipal An Kang High School Visit
Education and Career Guidance Talks (Sem 1)
Service Learning & Careers Festival
Xin Kong Xia 2024 Press Conference and Xin Kong Xia Xinyao Music Appreciation Session
Mother Tongue Fortnight Activities
Spotlight 2024
Commemoration of Total Defence Day – TD40
JC1 Parent Engagement Session
GCE A Level Results Release Day
Partnership & Outreach Activities (Sem 1)
CNY Celebrations
GP Seminar with Mr He Ruiming
Alumni Speaker Series
J2 Exploration Day
Matriculation and Orientation
ECG Learning Journeys during J2 Enrichment Week
Citizenship Education Learning Experiences programmes during J2 Enrichment Week
JC2 Parent Engagement Session
Open House
Orientation Group Leader Camp
2023 Events
2023 Events Overview
Staff Welfare Activities
Farewell Assembly
Inter House Games
Teachers’ Day Celebration – Retro Revival
Careers and Higher Education Day
Road Run and National Day Celebrations
Literature Symposium
Racial Harmony Day Commemoration
Post Examination Activities Engagement
Pre University Seminar
Leadership Training Camp 2023
JC1 Dialogue session with distinguished speaker
Partnership & Outreach Activities Semester 1
J2 Dialogue session with distinguished speaker
Alumni Speaker Series
International Friendship Day Commemoration
Service Learning Festival
Leadership Training Camp 2023 (W2 W4 W7 Sec Schools)
JP Spotlight
Inaugural House Bonding Day
Parent Engagement Sessions (J1 and J2)
Total Defence Day
Matriculation & Orientation 2023
GCE A Level Results Release Day
Chinese New Year Celebration
Open House
Orientation Group Leader Camp
2022 Events
2022 Events Overview
Alumni Speakers Series
Staff Welfare Activities
Farewell Assembly
Teachers’ Day Celebration
Careers and Higher Education Day
CCA Leaders Investiture
National Day Celebrations
Arts and Social Sciences Day
JP Do Good: Sponsorship of SG Care Pack for less advantage residents
Literature Symposium
College Day
Racial Harmony Day Commemoration
Arts Fest
Post Examination Activities Engagement Day
Leadership Training Camp (in collaboration with Keat Hong Youth Network)
Pre University Seminar
Leadership Training Camp (Internal)
JC1 Dialogue session with distinguished speaker
JC2 Dialogue session with distinguished speaker
JPJC Eco Club X Ayer Rajah CC Mothers' Day Terrarium Workshop
ECG Parent's Evening
International Friendship Day Commemoration
Service Learning Festival
Xinyao Appreciation Session
Mother Tongue Language Fortnight
Inaugural PW Innovation Programme Finale: 'Shark Tank' Presentations
JP Spotlight
House Bonding Day 1
J1 Parent Engagement Session
GCE A Level Results Release Day
Staff Learning Day
Total Defence Day Commemoration
Matriculation & Orientation
JC2 Enrichment Week
Chinese New Year Celebration
J2 Parent Engagement Session
4th Student Council Investiture & CCA Leaders Installation
JPJC e Openhouse
NTU SCSE Computing Challenge
OGL Camp
2021 Events
2021 Events Overview
JC1 Students' Dialogue with Minister Chan Chun Sing
JC2 Farewell Assembly
Teachers' Day
The Jurong Pioneer Junior College Alumni Breakfast Series Session 3
National Day Celebrations
Humanities Day
e STEM Day
E Immersion Programme
Parent Support Group Webinar
Harvard Innovation Challenge South East Asia III
Jurong Pioneer Junior College Congratulates its National Day Award 2020 Recipents
Keat Hong Leadership Training Camp
Pre University Seminar
Leadership Training Camp
ECG Parents' Evening
JP Ultimate Frisbee CCA Exchange
International Friendship Day Commemoration
The Jurong Pioneer Juniour College Alumni Breakfast Series Session 2
Response Ready Programme: Training Our Students to Handle Emergencies
A Fortnight Dedicated to the Appreciation of our Mother Tongues
JP Spotlight Letting our Talents Shine!
The Jurong Pionner Junior College Alumni Breakfast Series Session 1
Heightening college spirit through House Bonding Day
Inauguration Session of the JPJC Arts and Social Sciences Student Interest Programme
Term 1 Stall Wellness Activities Day: An invigorating and fun start to the day
Touching Base with the Parents of our JC1 Students
Floorball VIA Day
GCE 'A' Level Results Release Day
Total Defence Day Commemoration
Chinese New Year Celebrations
Staff Learning Days
JC2 Enrichment Week
Matriculation and Orientation
SC Investiture & Leaders Installation
JC2 Parent Engagement Session
JPJC e Openhouse
Orientation Group Leaders' Camp (OGLC)
2020 Events
2020 Events Overview
JC2 Farewell Assembly
JC1 Post Examination Activities Day
Teachers' Day Celebration
National Day Celebration
e STEM Day
South West CDC & Hewlett Packard Printer Community Initiative Provision of Printers to Students
GCE 'A' Level Results Release Day
Total Defence Day Commemoration
Staff Wellness Activity 1
Staff Learning Days
Matriculation and Orientation
Chinese New Year Celebration 2020 Welcoming a New Decade
Jurong Pioneer JC Open House
Orientation Group Leaders (OGL) Camp
NTU SCSE Computing Challenge 2020
2019 Events
2019 Events Overview
JPJC Student Selected for Singapore Combined Schools U18 Squad
Humanities Interest Programme
Mother Tongue Languages (Chinese Language)
A Star Science Award (JC)
Renaming of Houses
Farewell Assembly
Teachers' Day Dinner
Literature Symposium
AOGS EOS Geoscience Challenge
JC2 Dialogue Session with distinguished speaker
JPJC Maths and Science Challenge
Past vs Present Homecoming Games
Jurong Spring Family Day Walk
World Scholar's Cup Beijing Global Round
Leadership Training Camp Yuhua
Leadership Training at Keat Hong
MLEP Graduation Showcase
Mother Tongue Fortnight
MLEP Translation Workshop Conducted By Berita Mediacorp
Service Learning Festival
JPJC Parent Support Group (PSG) Get to Know Session
The JP Spotlight
WSC Regional Round
National Olympiad in Informatics
National Coding Championship
Annual Road Run
Koishikawa Visits JPJC
CCA Discovery Day
Chinese New Year Celebration
Open House
The Singapore Chemistry Olympiad
The AOGS-EOS International Geoscience Challenge is a biennial international event, conceptualised by two organisations to bring together science students from around the world to compete, collaborate and innovate in science research that involves the disciplines of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography.
One of the organisers of this challenge is the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), which is established in 2003 to promote geosciences and its application for the benefit of humanity, specifically in Asia and Oceania and with an overarching approach to global issues. The other organiser, the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) conducts fundamental research on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and climate change in and around Southeast Asia, toward safer and more sustainable societies.
The AOGS-EOS International Geoscience Challenge 2019 which spanned from November 2018 to August 2019 allowed the student participants to experience the execution of an investigative geoscience project and provided them with a platform to exhibit and share their findings with others.
Jurong Pioneer Junior College (JPJC) sent two teams to participate in the Junior College category. There were ten teams from various institutions taking part in the challenge. As part of the competition, the student participants presented their projects to a group of international judges in the field of Geosciences and answered questions pertaining to their projects.
One of the JPJC teams that investigated the feasibility of solar power in the school campus won the Bronze award in the JC category. The team members consist of Malcolm Koh, Ashley Tay and Rachel Chiang from 18A07. Their research focused on diversifying the school’s energy sources through looking at the feasibility of solar power. The team conducted field study to collect temperature data in the school campus as the main requirement to operate the solar panel. For their study analysis, they identified areas which are feasible for the installation of solar panels as well as the monetary benefits in terms of energy cost-savings to the school.