JC2 Farewell Assembly
On October 9, Jurong Pioneer Junior College (JPJC) held its annual JC2 Farewell Assembly for the Class of 2020. This annual affair marked a significant milestone in the cohort’s JC journey. Even as the event marked the last official day of school for the Class of 2020, it also celebrated their accomplishments, growth and wonderful memories throughout their two years in the college. In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for Safe Management Measures, the Farewell Assembly was held predominantly via virtual conferencing. Nevertheless, it was no less significant and poignant, as such a format still allowed for the entire cohort to participate in a coordinated programme.
The event commenced with an opening address by our Principal, Dr Hang Kim Hoo, who shared with the Class of 2020 an insightful message based on the best-selling book ‘Who Moved My Cheese?’ by Spencer Johnson. In his parting words to the cohort, Dr Hang urged students to learn how to adapt quickly in order to survive and thrive in a world that is constantly in flux. Following Dr Hang’s address, a poignant photo montage of the cohort’s journey took them down memory lane, with highlights from their experiences at Orientation and various other college events such as Chinese New Year Celebration, Total Defence Day and House Bonding Day 2019. After listening to the wise words from a sharing by our very own JPJC alumni (Mr Kenneth Sng from the Class of 2010), Mr Dennis Lee and Ms Valerie Tan cheered the cohort on in a song item, “Count on Me”. Each class then proceeded to craft their graduation mortar boards from scratch. This was a well-loved highlight of the Farewell Assembly, as students bonded over this craft activity and shared both laughter and a good time. In yet another popular segment, the cohort witnessed their teachers from all Departments convey their well wishes in light-hearted and spirited performances that had been recorded prior to the event. The School Leaders (SLs) and teachers also performed in a pre-recorded item, “You Raise Me Up” showcasing the SLs’ musical talents and our teachers’ support for the cohort in their final lap towards the A-Level examination.
In a meaningful conclusion to the event, the cohort identity logo - painstakingly crafted and comprising the thumbprints of all students from the Class of 2020 - was printed on EZLink cards and presented to the students as a graduation memento. The Farewell Assembly ended on a high note with the singing of the college anthem and presentation of gifts by the Student Council and Parents’ Support Group. It was indeed a Farewell Assembly to remember, one made special and even more cherished in the light of current circumstances.