In 2022, JPJC’s signature Alumni Speakers Series took on a refreshed format, with a curation of sessions more tailored to suit the interests and preferences of our students from respective disciplines.
In each session of the series, students had the opportunity to glean insights and gain an understanding of each speaker’s field of specialisation, their experiences and their journey towards excelling in various fields. The ‘Question and Answer’ segment of each session also allowed our students to find out in greater detail the answers to the many queries they had for our guest speakers.
Our alumni speakers have truly opened the eyes of our students to wider horizons beyond the classroom, and we appreciate them taking the time to return to the college to impart their wisdom to, and inspire their juniors in terms of education and career guidance, and more!
In January 2022, Timothy Beh and Yeo Wei Ern, our alumni from Jurong Junior College (Class of 2016), shared about their journey, from being students with less than satisfactory O Level results, to achieving academic success at the A Levels and reading law at the National University of Singapore. The candid sharing of the struggles they faced in the course of their learning pursuits struck a chord with many. Our students picked up salient advice and nuggets of wisdom from their seniors.
In March 2022, Dr Nagarajan Raghavan, an alumnus from Jurong Junior College (Class of 2002), and currently an Assistant Professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), graced the series and shared more with our students on STEM’s (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) interdisciplinary nature. Dr Nagarajan also introduced them to ‘Design Thinking’, a human-centric approach used in the design of products for end users. Not only did the students learn possible applications of STEM in the future, but they also gained insights into how they could solve real-life problems.
In July 2022, Dr Goh Han Lin, our alumnus from Jurong Junior College (Class of 1999) shared his experiences in doing research and working in the IT sector with our JC2 Computing students. He is currently an AI Research Scientist based in the San Francisco Bay Area and works at Apple Inc. Our students benefitted greatly from Dr Goh’s sharing and gained a greater awareness and understanding about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Analytics. He also shared his thoughts with students on the ethical use of AI.
In November 2022, Dr Mark Lim, CEO at Aliena Pte Ltd, MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 APAC from Jurong Junior College (Class of 2006), shared with student leaders from our college and Yishun Innova Junior College at the JPJC-YIJC Leadership Conference. As the Keynote Speaker for the conference, he imparted his knowledge in the areas of Enterprise, Innovation and Leadership. Our student leaders were inspired by Dr Lim’s sharing of his experiences, triumphs and challenges faced in setting up his company. They also gained valuable insights from his leadership journey.