Post Examination Activities Engagement Day
12 July was a day to unwind for our JC2 students, who had finished one of their milestone assessments, the Mid-Year Examination. The 2022 Post Mid-Year Examination Programme consisted of a wide array of activities that were co-organised by the Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) Department’s Affective Development (AD) Committee, Education, Career Guidance (ECG) Committee, Talent and Leadership Development / Arts and Aesthetics Committee, Scholars Development Committee as well as the Physics Department.
Our JC2 Students started the day with an important sharing via Zoom by Senior ECG Counsellor, Miss Michelle Lee, who covered salient points regarding university applications. This is an important aspect of academic goal setting, and students would be able to use this knowledge to craft an actionable plan as they move towards their milestone goal of entering university. Following this engagement, our students proceeded to various venues, where they went through the admission and interview workshops conducted by the admission officers from Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) and Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). This valuable opportunity of engagement allowed our students to understand more about the interview processes in these universities, and provided reference points for their preparation.
Following that, students had the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities. For JC2 students considering applying for Public Service Commission (PSC) Scholarships, they had the opportunity to attend a sharing session by PSC Scholarship holders. This networking experience served as a useful additional reference point for our students to gain a first-hand understanding of what a PSC scholarship can offer them and allowed for a more personable sharing of the points to note in their potential pursuit of a PSC Scholarship in the future.
In addition, the Arts and Aesthetics Committee engaged our students through a wide array of arts workshops which included designing of tote bags, a stained glass workshop and a hands-on guitar workshop. These workshops allowed for a better understanding and appreciation of the arts as well as a valuable opportunity for our students to showcase their creative expression.
On top of that, the Physics Department invited the Department of Materials, Science and Engineering from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) to conduct an engineering workshop helmed by the undergraduate students. This workshop was met with an overwhelming response from our students and during the workshop, our students were awed by the material capabilities and possibilities of hydrogel through experimentation, allowing for an authentic learning experience.
Overall, the 2022 Post Mid-Year Examination Programme brought a range of experiences to engage our students. It offered a day of cultivating knowledge and improving wellness for our students, which echoes the importance of a well-rounded education experience.