GCE A Level Results Release Day
On the 17th of February, Jurong Pioneer Junior College (JPJC) welcomed her fourth batch of students back to college for the release of the 2022 GCE A Level Examination results. While all candidates had the official option of receiving their results online, in line with Singapore’s exit from the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, the college invited all students from the cohort to receive their results together in the college Hall – a welcome first after three years.
It was a heartwarming sight to see our returning graduands reuniting for this occasion. Our returning students were happy to meet their teachers and classmates – some of whom they had not seen for some time – and catch up with them. The Class of 2022 had to face and overcome many challenges throughout their two years in JC, and in preparing for their GCE A Level examination. In his address to the cohort, our Principal Mr Kevin Ang congratulated them on completing their JC journey and emphasised that “success is so much more than your grades, and that piece of paper that you will receive – you, are much more than your academic performance, that does not define you”. As a testament to this, Mr Ang encouraged both the Class of 2022 and current students who were present in the Hall, by sharing that the top students for this year had come far, demonstrating excellent holistic performance all-round, despite coming from different starting points with varying L1R5 points when they first entered JPJC. “They defied the odds, and the conventional wisdom that one’s L1R5 typically reflects how far you can go, but as you can see, you have defied the odds”, Mr Ang shared to rousing cheers of delight from the cohort.
In closing, Mr Ang reminded the Class of 2022 that they would not have come this far without the support and guidance of their teachers, parents and peers, and urged them to express their appreciation and gratitude for what they have been blessed with. Mr Ang ended his address by reiterating how it is crucial for all graduands to plan and envision their next steps, rather than be swept away by emotions, be they positive or negative, in order to achieve the success that they desire moving forward.
“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” As Sir Winston Churchill aptly put it, and Mr Ang reiterated, having overcome all challenges and obstacles to successfully complete their JC education, it is our hope that the Class of 2022 will continue to forge their own paths, demonstrate resilience and achieve success in their own ways, embodying the spirit of the JP Family – ‘While I Live I Learn, Plus Ultra’. Congratulations to the Class of 2022!