Syllabus & Assessment
Syllabus Outline
The Biology syllabus is developed as a seamless continuum from O-Level to A-Level, without the need for topics to be revisited at A-Level. The O-Level syllabus is foundational and thus should provide the necessary background for study at A-Level. Students who intend to offer H2 Biology will therefore be assumed to have knowledge and understanding of O-Level Biology, either as a single subject or as part of a balanced science course.
Students reading Biology can choose from two levels of study: H1 or H2. Biology at H1 level covers a subsection of the H2 theoretical syllabus, but in equal depth. Biology at H2 level covers more topics than at H1, including a hands-on component in the form of experimental techniques for laboratory work.
The syllabus is divided into two parts, the core syllabus and the extension topics. The core syllabus explores the workings of life in the areas of cellular functions, cellular physiology and biochemistry, DNA and genomics together with its organisation and control, genetics of inheritance, genetics of virus and bacteria as well as biology evolution. The extension topics comprise of climate change and immunology.
Note: Topics in **bold** are in H2 syllabus only
H2 Candidates are required to enter for Papers 1, 2, 3 and 4
H1 Candidates are required to enter for Papers 1 and 2.